Sunday, September 14, 2008

Memes and some other stuff...

Jen, at Buried with Children tagged me with this question and answer meme. I'm also in a meme mood so I'm playing along...

1. Where were you 10 years ago? I was a brand-new Mommy adjusting to life with a newborn and falling more and more in love by the second!!
2. Whats on your to-do list today? Shopping at Costco and Target. Going to meet Brenda at work at 1 pm
3. What if you were a Billionaire? Not stress about money...that would be so nice wouldn't it?! Bill and I have also agreed that if we win the lottery, 1/2 would automatically go to charity (Cancer research, MS research, etc.) We would establish trust funds for the kids. Give some to family members. Pay off debts. Travel. Become BullGators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Name 5 places that you have lived? Wilmington, Delaware; Lynchburg Virginia; Mannheim Germany (for 2 mos); Tacoma, Washington; Longwood Florida
5. What are 3 bad habits that you have? Eat too much, stay up too late, stress about the small stuff
6. What kind of snack do I like? Pretzels, Popcorn
7. Who will you tag next? I would like to tag Tressa, Angie, Lori, Missy, and Therese

I was also recently tagged by Andrea at Blogging Mama for 6 random facts about me...

1. I usually eat/drink the same things every day (at least for breakfast and lunch). I work with a bunch of fabulous people who allow me to go through my cravings which can last weeks. Right now I'm at Qdoba Mexican grill at least 3 times a week.

2. I got my ears pierced at age 8 as a reward for stopping sucking my thumb (yes, that's correct, 8!!)

3. I HATE to clean. I will do it, but I'm very grumpy when I'm doing it.

4. I've always wanted to be a doctor...and am contemplating medical school. But I am my own worst enemy...I usually down-talk myself.

5. I love to listen to Howard Stern in the morning. It's the 12 year old in me, but I think he is entertaining.

6. I hardly ever wear make up. I just don't take the time. I might put it on once a month at the most.

Whew, wasn't that exciting?! So here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Okay, so I'm going to change the rules a little...I'm going to keep this an open invite tag. This was a challenging one for me; so if you're up for the challenge, GO FOR IT!!


I just signed up for Twitter...I don't really know what I am doing or how to really use it. So if someone could fill me in, I'd appreciate it.

Thoughts and prayers going out to the Texans who were affected by Ike. I hope that the clean up is fast and that the power is restored quickly. Nothing worse than no air in September (in the South). Just a vent...If evacuation is mandatory, that means you HAVE to leave. It burns me up that people who CHOSE to be stupid and stayed called 911 during the storm! They put rescue workers at risk to go get them. Pisses me off!!


Jo-Jo said...

I said the same thing about those who decided to stay.

Anonymous said...

I didn't really get Twitter when I started it either - I think it's SO simple it's like you keep thinking "this is it?" LOL :) I'm following you now, you can follow me too!

Melissa B. said...

Memes are so much fun, aren't they? I haven't tried Twitter yet, but it's something I'm planning to look into. And the folks who didn't leave in the face of Ike? Sound like the grownup versions of some of the kids I teach! BTW, on a completely different subject, it's that time of week again--Silly Sunday Sweepstakes time. Come on over and play along!

Cassie said...

I'm following you on Twitter now! It's kind of fun when you're really bored. You can reply to people and basically have big group convos. I twittered the VMAs last week and everyone was commenting on every little thing the celebrities did--pretty fun. You can advertise your blog on there too. I usually only do that when I put up really cute pics of Jackson though :) haha.

Shannon said...

I have those same bad habits!!!

SouthernDogwoods said...

You, Tagger, You! Nah, I will be gald to play along!

Jen said...

thanks for playing along. I am glad that you did.
Twitter is fun. It is like a delayed instant message system. You find people to follow and then post little updates, you can reply by clicking on the gray arrow.
I totally agree with you about that last statement. Stupid people SUCK!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

OH, I'll have to find you on twitter. It's fun. Addictive. But not nearly as time consuming as blogging!

And I was thinking the same thing as you this morning as I was reading about Ike. Those people should be sent bills for all the money the government expends to rescue them.

Anonymous said...

Amen to your last comment. That makes me mad that people stay and call for help too. Since my dad was a firefighter for 30 years and dh was a cop for 4 - had we lived in a hurricane area that would have been my family saving stupid peoples butts and risking their own lives to do it!

Unknown said...

K...I am done with my MEME....
& yes...nothing pisses me off more than people who don't leave & them ask for help later... You dumb a%#s!! I would be really pissed if it was MY hubby...sister, father...daughter going to rescue your dumb butt! Start swimming...
So glad I got that off of my chest...

CaraBee said...

Great stuff! I also love Qdoba. Do you have the rewards card? You get free food after every 10 visits. It's the best! And I totally agree on the evacuees. Or non-evacuees as the case may be.

Julie said...

HI, I am a bit behind in coming from BATW to say hi and give comment love :) I have to say I don't really get twitter and feel so out of it!

Jennifer said...

Hi Kelly--I'll follow you on Twitter--it's fun! Like mini-blogging all day long. Follow me too--it's more fun that way!!

Angie's Spot said...

I'm going to do the meme this weekend...I promise. :-)

I'm an eater like you, meaning I tend to eat the same things constantly. Hmm, one more thing we have in common!

I'm lost on this Twitter thing too. If you find help, send it my way too.