I planned on giving myself a little time to re-acclimate, readjust, etc., but life sometimes gets in the way doesn't it?
My monkey-in-the-middle, Emmy was in the hospital all weekend. She started coming down with a cold on Thursday and on Friday she was having some wheezing. (Emmy's lungs are always effected when she's ill...it's like they don't want to be left out and they end up stealing the show!) I treated her with her inhalers, to which she responded well, and sent her off to school. I got a call from the school clinic in the afternoon that she was having labored breathing. I had my hubby pick her up and drop her off to me so I could take her to the doctor. Apparently by the time, Daddy reached her, she was coughing continuously and really having a difficult time catching her breath. She had 3 breathing treatments before seeing the doctor (she would respond and then go right back to the wheezing in 15 minutes). We did a couple more treatments at the doctor's office and we were given the instructions to continue to treat as needed which meant she had 12 more treatments prior to her 8:40 appt (Now for you RNs out there cringing, the MD told me to treat like this...) At the pediatricians office, they were not able to adequately open up her passage ways and recommended we admit her to a local children's hospital so that she could receive oxygen, etc. So we were off for our little adventure (which is how we "sold it" to Emmy). In the car on the way to the hospital she asked me, "Will I be getting stuff?" Thinking she meant needles, IVs, etc, I asked, "What stuff?" to which she responded, "Never mind..." I pressed her on the topic and she asked, "Am I going to get cards and balloons that say, Get Well Soon?" I just thought this was so cute...I ended up calling in the troops and balloons and cards were on the way. She thought she was in hog heaven the first 12 hours...she got to play (hooked up to portable O2), walk around, etc., but then the doctor put in orders to have her continuously monitored. Emmy did not like being stuck in one room for a 24 hour period. She almost RAN out of the hospital after they took her off the monitor!
So I sit here alone in my living room where all the rest of the family is sleeping, capturing some "Mommy time", "work time", and biding time until Emmy's next treatment (in 10 minutes). I am then off to my OWN bed, my OWN pillow, and drifting off into a heavy sleep.
My fingers are crossed that I have a boring week!!
Emmy posing with her balloons and "Get Well" gifts:

I've been wondering where you've been hiding...
I'm so sorry to hear about your munchkin!! What a horrible way to spend your days - hospitals are no fun for you or for your kidlets.
I hope Emmy gets better soon and your life gets a little less crazy in the coming weeks.
Thinking of ya!
Poor thing! I'm glad she's doing better and out of the hospital. Keeping my fingers crossed she continues to get better.
Bless your heart...what a time you all have had...may things get peaceful real soon for you!
She looks beautiful with her "stuff"!
Boy you're getting it by the handfull!! The cards and balloons are a great idea, I would have thought needles also! Hope she does well this week and you can try and get things done that you need to. Take care!
Poor girl! How scary! I am glad she is doing better!
Oh gracious sweetie... that's... not good. I hope she recovers quickly.
And I'm still thinking about you and hoping that you find comfort and peace this Christmas.
I am so sorry your little girl was in the hospital! I hope she is doing better and that you get a very much needed break!
Oh no! That poor little sweet girl! I'm so sorry, I hope she gets better soon!
Wow that is not a good adventure at all. I hope that she is feeling better. Claire is the same way, she gets sick and it goes right to her lungs. We have never been hospitalized with it but sure know the inhaler and nebs.
If only getting stuff would be enough to keep this little one healthy...for ever.
she looks happy , though!
hope she's feeling better!
OMG that is so crazy. I'm glad to hear things are a little better and I will cross my fingers that you have a very boring week.
Poor thing! That sounds so scary! At least she was having a little fun with her get well presents. I hope you have a boring week! ;)
Soo glad Emmy is alright & home now! Hope things slow down a little this week! ;)
Oh my goodness, what a couple of weeks you've had. So glad to hear Emmy is doing better. How scary! She is just adorable with her ballons, though!
What an ordeal! But she's a trooper, eh? Glad to hear she got her "stuff"... so cute.
Hope she's feeling better (and her mama, too!)
Poor little Emmy....glad she got some goodies out of all that.
I hope things quiet down for you all soon!!!!
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