Sunday, March 15, 2009


This weekend was Emmy's first Girl Scout camping trip. She was so excited to go all week...I don't think she had any idea what to expect, but she was excited nonetheless.

We started out the day meeting the troop at 8 am (on a Saturday...obviously these women don't know me very well!). We headed 1 mile down the road to our closest National Park (not bad...I remember driving hours to Girl Scout camp). The day proceeded with tons of activities: singing, garland making, hula hoop contests, t-shirt making, talks on what to do if we find wild baby animals and how to preserve our environment with snacks and meals in between. Of course no camp out would be complete with a camp fire and s'mores. In the beginning of the camp fire, an American flag was actually "retired" (is that we call it?!). I had never seen such a ceremony and it was very interesting. We were quite exhausted by the end of the day and it was only 9 pm!!

Our cabin actually had electricity (woo hoo!) and could sleep up to 10 people. We had 4 girls and 3 moms in our cabin. Emerson chose to sleep on the top bunk and I took the bottom. Emmy has a bunk bed which she sleeps on the you see where this is going?! About 3:30 this morning, Emmy rolled right off the 5 foot high bunk bed. The sound she made crashing to the floor is still haunting me...she started screaming right away. I took her in my arms and checked her all over. She said that her neck hurt and she wasn't able to raise her right arm over her head. I took her to the ER to be checked out. After X-rays were performed, she was diagnosed with a broken right collar bone. She has to wear a sling and follow up with her doctor tomorrow. We'll know more about limitations, etc after then.

Emmy is doing well; she is quite a trooper. She's a little upset that she doesn't have a cast for people to sign so we went to Target tonight and bought a metallic pen that will show up on dark material so she can have people sign her sling. She even bought monkey stickers to decorate it.


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

Poor baby! That sounds so painful. I hope it heals up very quickly. xoxo

Unknown said...

Poor thing. It sounds so painful. I hope she's feeling better soon.

SouthernDogwoods said...

Oh no!!! Poor thing! That sounds like it would definitely hurt! Tell her I hope she feels better soon!

Swirl Girl said...

Oh my! WHo knew Girl Scouting could be so dangerous! Did she get a badge for the fall?

poor girl.

JWilson said...

Yikes! that really sucks for her. I'm glad she is haging in there.

My sister fell off the top bunk of my bunk beds at the age of 2 and cracked her collar bone. I broke mine complelty in 2 when i was 14 and it was more painfully than my c-section but it was a really bad break. I'm glad she is feeling good enough to walk around.

Cathy said...

Oh, that had to be a terrible feeling to wake up to that. Poor little thing.. hope she is feeling better.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Oh my goodness! Sending her (and you!) loads of get well hugs and wishes! Poor little thing! Hope she's on the mend soon:)

Angie's Spot said...

OMG, poor Emmy! I hope she's feeling better and that everything heals quickly. That will be a first girl scout trip that she'll never forget! Nor will you.

cat said...

Oh poor Emmy! Gosh what a thing to happen.

Unknown said...

Where are you? I miss you!

Unknown said...

I couldn't read your post before...(coming up all white on my laptop...) Hope Emmy is ok! So sorry to hear about her accident